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Redhawk Review Rent Textbooks Search Results
Found 14431 listings, displaying 1-20
Out of Many: A History of the American People, Combined Volume (7th Edition)
Out of Many is a coherent narrative of American history that offers insight into how diverse...
Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography (8th Edition)
Among the most highly regarded in physical geography, Robert Christopherson’s bestselling texts a...
Managing the Construction Process (4th Edition)
Managing the Construction Process: Estimating, Scheduling, and Project Control, Fourth...
Teaching Writing: Balancing Process and Product (6th Edition) (Books by Gail Tompkins)
This best selling text by Gail Tompkins thoroughly examines genres and instructional procedures...
Elementary Surveying: An Introduction to Geomatics (13th Edition)
Elementary Surveying, 13e, is ideal for Surveying courses offered in Civil Engineering...
Financial Management in Agriculture (7th Edition)
Financial Management in Agriculture, Seventh Edition, introduces students to modern...
Intermediate Algebra plus MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access Code Card (4th Edition)...
This package consists of the textbook plus an access kit for MyMathLab/MyStatLab. Elayn...
Stats: Data and Models (3rd Edition)
Stats: Data and Models, Third Edition, will intrigue and challenge students by encouraging them...
University Physics with Modern Physics (13th Edition)
University Physics with Modern Physics , Thirteenth Edition continues to set the benchmark for...
SharePoint for Students
In today’s online working environment, many businesses use Microsoft® SharePoint—the indu...
Managing Business & Professional Communication (3rd Edition)
Business and Professional Communication engages the reader with the most current strategies...
American Government: Roots and Reform, 2011 Edition (Hardcover) (11th Edition)
Updated in a new2011 edition, American Government: Roots and Reform provides the historical...
Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, 7th Edition
This comprehensive, proventext offers a logical, simple system for learning medical vocabulary...
Nutrition and You (2nd Edition)
With a new Consumerism chapter, enhanced art and photos, and timely updates, this Second Edition...
Essentials of Geology (11th Edition)
With the renowned readability of the Lutgens/Tarbuck/Tasa team, the Eleventh Edition of...
Deutsch: Na klar! An Introductory German Course (Student Edition)
Deutsch: Na klar! offers the most trusted solution for helping Introductory German students...
American Government: Roots and Reform, 2011 Texas Edition (6th Edition)
Updated in a new2011 Texasedition, American Government: Roots and Reform provides the historical...
Out of Many: A History of the American People, Volume 2 (7th Edition)
Out of Many is a coherent narrative of American history that offers insight into how diverse...
Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics (14th Edition)
Technical Drawing and Engineering Graphics, Fourteenth Edition, provides a clear,...
Redhawk Review Rent Textbooks
Rent Textbooks with Uloop, and you will receive free shipping both ways for textbooks you rent for your classes at Indiana University Northwest. There are biology textbooks for rent, chemistry textbooks for rent, psychology textbooks for rent, accounting textbooks for rent, and a lot of other Indiana University Northwest textbooks for rent. The prices of the textbooks for rent are typically much less expensive than you will find at the bookstore because they are to keep for the duration of your class, then there is free shipping to return them. Uloop is a place you can rent textbooks for your classes at Indiana University Northwest.